14 974 Livres Blancs | 2 506 |

Passé, présent et futur : Optimisez vos processus de Case Management

Comment optimiser vos processus de Case Management ? Nuxeo répond à toutes vos questions.

  • EditeurNuxeo
  • Version PDF - 13 pages - 2017 - Anglais
Legacy to Modern to Future - Simplify Case Management Chaos

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"Content and process are central to every decision and function in government, and yet nowhere are they more important than in case management.

As agencies move toward digitization to meet the demands of citizens and the functional needs of the organization, many are finding themselves locked into outdated, monolithic systems and processes that were not designed for digital-age technologies, such as mobile and cloud.

Those systems lack the capability to digitize and automate workflows. They cannot manage the size, volume and complexity of modern digital content types such as videos, photos, social media or biometric information.

Critical time and insight are lost. Workers’ ability to complete tasks and make decisions is hampered by outdated and inefficient processes and by content that is scattered across the enterprise in multiple siloed systems.

Expectations from citizens and employees and the imperative for the mission to operate as an efficient digital organization mandate a new, holistic approach to case management. In practical terms, only a modern content services platform (CSP) with native capabilities including version control, robust tracking, automated processes and workflow can provide the modern case management solutions needed.

Crucially, a modern solution also leverages the latest technologies—such as cloud, open source and automation—and integrates with critical existing systems and applications to connect people, process and content and give business users and mission owners a complete end-to-end view of their cases.

Finally, agencies need a solution with a lower total cost of ownership and native capabilities to help “de-risk” transformation by enabling agencies to think differently and more nimbly, deploy in an evolutionary manner, capture the value of existing technology investments, and continually take advantage of best-of-breed innovation in the industry.

This will enable agencies to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency by completing tasks and making decisions faster."

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