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Will the market for European Electronic Toll Services (EETS) ever become reality?

Le marché des services européens de télépéage (SET) va-t-il se développer ?

  • EditeurBearingpoint
  • Version PDF - 16 pages - 2015 - Anglais
Will the market for European Electronic Toll Services (EETS) ever become reality?

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"Despite the availability of technical equipment for the collection of tolls across borders (e.g., Toll2Go in Germany and Austria) and occasional national legislative initiatives such as the “Act to amend toll legislation on the introduction of European electronic toll service” in Germany, there is currently no binding agreement for the creation of a European-wide toll system. The market for European Electronic Toll Services (EETS) has been undergoing change, albeit slowly, since EU Directive 2004/52/EC from April 29, 2004 regarding the interoperability of electronic road toll systems in the European Union, and after Decision 2009/750/EC of the European Commission from October 6, 2009 on the definition of the European Electronic Toll Service and its technical elements.

The European toll market, currently characterized by a large number of national companies and organizations, is also undergoing change, and that means changes in business models. Countries such as Germany, France and Belgium have recognized that the market is changing and are moving toward setting standards. The toll market generated approximately 27.5 billion Euro in 2014 (estimated market share of only 30 percent) in Europe1 and consequently represents an enormous potential for EETS. However, this potential is dampened by the very high entry barriers for new market players and the fact that implementation of the EU directive at the national level is not yet completed in most countries."

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