14 760 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

Comment créer un business case pour la gestion des commandes

Pour les secteurs comme la mode et le retail, la gestion des stocks est un défi de taille. Pour en savoir plus sur les bonnes pratiques en termes de gestion et d'optimisation des stocks, découvrez notre playbook.

  • EditeurEmakina
  • Version PDF - 5 pages - 2022 - Anglais

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"If you aggregate all of your stock, including store inventory, and make it available online, you massively increase the number of products that are Available to Sell. In my experience, across about 100 brands that didn’t make their stock available across channels, the average out of stock level was 20% at the beginning of the season. By the end of the season, that number rose to 40-42%.

For brands that did make all of their inventory available online, that dropped to about 9% stockouts at beginning of the season and about 20% by the end of the season. This strategy effectively reduced stockouts by 50%. Of course, you don’t want to ship from stores where the inventory is more likely to sell in-store. To mitigate this, you can use sell through rate or inventory age in your fulfillment logic to determine the best store from which to fulfill the order."

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