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Improving cancer care by optimizing care pathways

Many cancer patients do not receive optimal care and they need support to improve their quality of life.

  • EditeurAlcimed
  • Version PDF - 18 pages - 2022 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "Improving cancer care by optimizing care pathways" - Alcimed

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"Unequal access to care includes many different factors, examples are: geographically difficulties to access care, badly organized care leading to low quality, lack of experienced staff, or issues regarding communication. Inefficient cost structures are prevalent and no incentives are in place to improve quality, but rather focus on increasing the number of procedures. For the same patients, it feels like a gamble if they get offered great or bad cancer care.

Cancer can be a very complex disease because every patient has unique circumstances and personal preferences. We see various levels of staging, types of patients, patient profiles, treatment options, etc. Many cancer cases move towards a chronic stage, bringing a lot of additional issues during but also and especially after the acute treatment phase. Because of all this, many cancer patients do not receive optimal care and they need support to improve their quality of life."

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