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Fashion Brands: Reimagining the Digital Experience

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur l'expérience numérique dans l'industrie de la mode.

  • EditeurContentserv
  • Version PDF - 24 pages - 2021 - Anglais

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"While the fashion industry knows digitalization must happen, not all fashion brands are ready for the next onslaught of change: the age of consumers. This era, according to Forrester, represents a transition in power - from companies toward customers. With technology at their fingertips, consumers have higher expectations, and they can make or break a brand. They can even dictate the rules of business.

While other industries have made strides towards digitization, most of the fashion industry is still in the early stages of adoption. This, coupled with today’s global economic and ethical challenges, continues

to be a source of great anxiety for the industry. What used to be a product-centric industry is finally catching up and has started to develop customer-centric strategies.

Due to the birth of new consumers, fashion brands must be more radical with innovation in their business practices and digital transformation initiatives, while always keeping their fingers on the pulse of customer demand. Additionally, fashion brands must address sustainability concerns while being considerate of local requirements across multiple markets and cultures.

According to the Business of Fashion and McKinsey, 2018 was a year of reckoning, and 2019 was the year of awakening for the industry. Brands took notice, learned important lessons, and prepared to face the challenges brought on by digitalization. The industry is now trying to adapt while facing yet, another unforeseen crisis in the form of the global COVID-19 pandemic, leaving fashion brands potentially vulnerable as they must now navigate further uncertainties."

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