14 934 Livres Blancs | 2 502 |

Global Regulatory Intelligence Initiatives – January/February 2016

Assurances, services bancaires et financiers.

  • EditeurBearingpoint
  • Version PDF - 10 pages - 2016 - Anglais
Global Regulatory Intelligence Initiatives – January/February 2016

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"We are pleased to provide you with our first newsletter for 2016 which includes a focus on PRIIPs (Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance Products). Information available to retail investors was sometimes considered confusing or opaque, using technical jargon, which makes it difficult for investors to compare across products. To address these concerns faced by retail investors and rebuild consumers’ trust in financial products, the PRIIPs Regulation aims at increasing the transparency and comparability of certain financial products subscribed by retail investors through the issue of a standardized short form disclosure document, the Key Investor Document (KID). To make the most of the PRIIPs regulation, the financial industry will need to continue to work on a number of important issues, in particular on cost and risk disclosure. The path to the single European market will be long and complex and PRIIPs may be a great milestone in its advance."

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