14 923 Livres Blancs | 2 490 |

Navigating an Omnichannel Automotive Aftermarket

Inside: Trends, Inspiration and Guidance

  • EditeurValtech
  • Version PDF - 23 pages - 2022 - Français
Livre blanc - Navigating an Omnichannel Automotive Aftermarket - Valtech

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"When most of the world shut down, predictions seemed dire for most industries, including automotive.

While new car sales had seen a dip during the early Covid era, recovery of consumer demand for cars was fast leading to many OEMS seeing impressive results but hampered by supply chain issues.

This, among other factors, created an increased demand for used cars and the rise of new opportunities. One such area of opportunity can be found in the Automotive Aftermarket. An increase in people keeping their cars instead of making new purchases, and a renewed focus on buying used vehicles opens the door for more aftermarket parts.

The aftermarket will also allow for new omnichannel offerings with vehicle parts being easier products to offer through e-commerce than new vehicles. All of this is a way of saying that automotive, like many industries, is experiencing a change and an acceleration of the improvements that were underway already. Leading to new opportunities for OEMs around the world. But to understand which opportunities are best for you and where to spend your time and energy, you must first understand the important trends shaping future customer behavior.

This whitepaper collects data to analyze trends and create an in-depth guide about the opportunities available for aftermarket automotive as well as valuable information about entering the e-commerce space.

While the data collected here was pulled from North American sources, the truth is that the global nature of the pandemic and similarities in the automotive space across the globe means that the findings are applicable to major markets all over the world.

Read on to learn more about how other companies have been able to improve their omnichannel offering while meeting the new needs and behaviors of customers.

And if you are interested in learning more about the opportunities available moving forward, give us a call and we’ll show you how new digital offerings can help your automotive business."

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