14 528 Livres Blancs | 2 425 |

Pourquoi les distributeurs omnicanaux ont besoin d'un inventaire virtuel ?

  • EditeurEmakina
  • Version PDF - 6 pages - 2022 - Anglais

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"Why virtual inventory?

Today’s omnichannel retailers sell through more channels than ever. From regional online stores, marketplaces, resellers, mobile apps, in-store kiosks, call centers to social channels. This leads to fulfillment complexity.

Why? Because the stock used to fulfill customer orders across those channels may be sourced from a variety of physical supply channels. These include stores, warehouses, drop-ship vendors and 3PLs.

So getting the right balance between these online channels and physical supply channels is crucial. Yet it’s something many retailers struggle with. This is where Virtual Inventory comes in"

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