14 974 Livres Blancs | 2 506 |

Enterprise Work Collaboration : Helping pharmaceutical organisations escape silos and embrace synergy

Ce livre blanc fait le point sur la modernisation des entreprises pharmaceutiques dans le cadre de la collaboration d'entreprise et améliorer la productivité et l'efficacité de ses collaborateurs.

  • EditeurClarizen
  • Version PDF - 4 pages - 2015 - Anglais
Enterprise Work Collaboration : Helping pharmaceutical organisations escape silos and embrace synergy

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"In order to continue helping millions of people around the world enjoy healthier, happier, more fulfilled, and in many instances longer lives, pharmaceutical organizations need efficient and effective Portfolio Project Management (PPM) to nurture today’s visionary ideas into tomorrow’s breakthrough solutions.

However, despite the life-changing and life-saving importance of their work, pharmaceutical organizations are not immune from significant threats that, if left unresolved, lead to ineffective PPM -- which undermines stability, success, and ultimately, organizational survival.

While some members of the general public express shock at what they perceive to be “outrageous revenues” in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical organizations that make the investments, take the risks, and do the work realize the story is quite different.

They know that the business environment is tougher than ever -- and getting even tougher -- as healthcare payers enforce harsh new cost constraints, and evaluate health and wellness claims with unprecedented scrutiny in order to maximize ROI."

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