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Future Proofing Your Digital Marketing Strategy with Retail Media and Social Commerce

In this ebook, Channeladvisor will uncover: • Why retail media and social commerce will continue to represent a significant part of the overall digital ad market • How to build a future-proof digital marketing strategy for the short, medium and long term • Where to double down in retail and social advertising to win against competitors

Future Proofing Your Digital Marketing Strategy with Retail Media and Social Commerce

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"Channels, Channels, Channels

The only constant is change, and recent years have brought plenty of it. According to a recent ChannelAdvisor survey, 43% of consumers will shop more online in the future than before the pandemic. This creates a huge opportunity for advertisers to capture new ground in the market. But with competitors popping up at every turn, it also means devising a more thoughtful strategy than ever before.

Consumers now have myriad channels at their disposal, from search engines to websites to social media to marketplaces. Yet, the majority of shoppers describe themselves as “channel agnostic,” as 73% of them use multiple channels during their shopping journey.

Our research shows that most consumers turn to search engines first, especially when their product needs are less defined. But when there’s already an intent to purchase, they head to Amazon first ahead of a search engine or even the brand’s website. Beyond research and purchasing, consumers also look to Amazon for inspiration, as 68% of them admit to purely “window shopping.” "

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