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Holidays the Smartly way - a guide for eCommerce advertisers

Dans ce livre blanc, vous apprendrez comment mettre en place vos campagnes de fêtes sur Facebook de façon à obtenir le plus de trafic possible sur votre e-commerce.

  • Version PDF - 22 pages - 2017 - Anglais
Holidays the Smartly way - a guide for eCommerce advertisers

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"The holiday season is fast approaching and for e-commerce, it’s a make-it-or-break-it quarter. While e-commerce advertisers are often very savvy with all things digital, it’s always worthwhile to check out what’s new in the Facebook ecosystem.

Today, Facebook offers a comprehensive set of ad formats and tools to drive sales across the funnel. From reaching new customers to converting existing ones, there is a solution for virtually any need, particularly now that brands have to learn how to reach and convert mobile-first customers.

The competition during the holiday season shoots costs up regardless of the channel. On Facebook, there are a few tips and tricks e-commerce marketers can use to ensure that their carefully planned and designed campaigns reach as many potential customers as possible.

In this ebook, you’ll learn how to efficiently set up, run, and optimize your holiday campaigns on Facebook to get the best bang for your buck – and the most traffic to your online store."

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