Un livre blanc qui fait le point sur les sytèmes AMI au sein des fournisseurs de gaz.
"For more than a decade, utilities have evolved in how they use advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) systems. Still, adoption rates vary. Electric utilities quickly implemented AMI technology, stimulated in part by the smart grid grants under the American Recovery and Reconstruction Act (ARRA) of 2009. Historically, gas meter reading operations have been pulled alongside their electric counterparts in multi-service utilities. Tying gas AMI to an existing electric deployment has been a convenient piggybacking approach. Standalone gas utilities have typically continued to rely on traditional manual or automated meter reading (AMR) systems.
Increasingly; however, the smart grid systems used for electric and water are piquing the interest of today’s gas utilities. Today’s utilities are finding that AMI is not overkill for gas utilities. In fact, it’s only the beginning of what is possible."