14 830 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

How to run an intranet content audit

Guide and template

  • EditeurInteract
  • Version PDF - 13 pages - Anglais
Livre blanc - How to run an intranet content audit - Interact

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"Good internal communication is fundamental for attracting and retaining top talent, as well as managing the ongoing requirements of your workforce. When done correctly, it adds value to business culture and impacts an organization’s bottom line, fueling growth and profit margins. Quite simply, happy and engaged employees perform better.

Crucially, there must be structure and planning behind a successful internal communications strategy. It’s not enough to simply post a quarterly message from the CEO or send a quick product update and leave it at that.

Similarly, overwhelming employees with a constant deluge of information will ensure that they are disengaged with workplace communications, seeing them as time-consuming and irrelevant to their day-to-day role."

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