From Resilience to Opportunity: Sustainability Pays Off Through the Crisis and Beyond.
"Sustainability has become a topic of great interest and is increasingly viewed as a source of competitive advantage that innovative companies can tap into. Investors, company boards, executives, employees, customers and the general public are demanding more scrutiny and transparency around sustainable products and practices.
Sourcing and procurement are key to a company’s efforts to drive sustainability. Yet, there are often questions among practitioners around what exactly sustainable procurement is, who should be involved, why it should be done and how it can be achieved. This timely report provides answers to these four key questions.
Based on information collected through extensive interviews and surveys, this report explores important trends in sustainable procurement. As sustainability is not just about environmental impacts, particular attention is paid to dimensions such as social responsibility, diversity and human rights.
The scope is certainly much broader than just picking and selecting the right suppliers or components, and includes the whole engagement process. The report also shows the need for, and trend toward, increasing top executive involvement, prioritysetting, oversight and direct leadership. We also ask the question: Is sustainable procurement only something that big, global companies should be interested in? The report sheds light on the role of mid-size companies, as well as the need to engage some “laggards” in industry.
The report also clearly describes why sustainable procurement is important.
The disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters have led many companies to shift their focus to building resiliency in their supply chains. The report shows how sustainable procurement can enhance this resilience – backed by demonstrable results from your peers.
Finally, through its focus on sustainable procurement leaders, the report also highlights some best practices that have helped companies address the “how” question."