14 852 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

2017 Foreign Policy White Paper

Ce livre blanc du gouvernement australien établit l'orientation politique de ce dernier pour les années à venir.

2017 Foreign Policy White Paper

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"Change, unprecedented in its scale and pace, is the tenor of our times. These are the most exciting times, the times of greatest opportunity, but they are also times of uncertainty, of risk, indeed of danger.

But in the midst of such change, Australia’s values are enduring. We are one of the oldest democracies and the most successful multicultural society in the world.

We are creating the competitiveness and flexibility our economy needs to thrive in an interdependent, fast-changing world. But we must also acknowledge we are facing the most complex and challenging geostrategic environment since the early years of the Cold War.

We cannot assume that prosperity and security just happen by themselves."

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