14 759 Livres Blancs | 2 471 |

Planning our electric future: a White Paper for secure, affordable and low‑carbon electricity

Ce livre blanc expose les mesures clés pour attirer l'investissement, réduire l'impact sur les factures des consommateurs, et créer une mix de sources électriques sécurisés incluant le gaz, le nucléaire, les énergies renouvelables...

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"Electricity is a fundamental part of our daily lives. It lights our homes and streets, keeps our schools and hospitals running, and powers our businesses. That’s why it is so important that the electricity market works effectively.

Since the market was privatised in the 1980s the system has worked: delivering secure and affordable electricity for the UK. But it cannot meet the challenges of the future.

Around a quarter of our existing capacity – mainly coal and nuclear power stations – will close in the next decade. Keeping the lights on will mean raising a record amount of investment. However, the current market arrangements will not deliver investment at the scale and the pace that we need.

That investment must build an electricity system fit for the future. Traditional fossil fuels leave us open to volatile prices, deepen our dependence on imported energy and emit too much carbon. Instead, we need huge investment in renewables; a new generation of nuclear stations; and, in time, gas and coal plant that can capture harmful emissions. This will diversify supply and wean us away from imported fossil fuels.

By reforming the market, we can ensure future security of supply and build a cleaner, more diverse, more sustainable electricity mix. This White Paper sets out how we will encourage this investment in the most cost-effective way.

This will mean making sure we create the right conditions to attract the investment needed to transform our system, in particular by reducing risks and setting a clear and stable framework for investors.

It means establishing a system where, in time, low-carbon technologies can compete against each other on a level playing field to find their place in the energy mix."

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