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Through the pandemic and beyond: overcoming data management challenges in capital markets

Découvrez dans ce livre blanc comment surmonter les défis de la gestion des données sur les marchés des capitaux lors de la pandémie

Through the pandemic and beyond: overcoming data management challenges in capital markets

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"The current pressures firms are under

Financial institutions are facing challenges in an environment in which the meaning of business as usual has fundamentally changed. The COVID-19 crisis has thrown a spotlight on the inefficiencies underlying many functional areas of capital markets firms and caused C-suite executives to re- evaluate operational resilience in light of increasing volumes and volatility, and the shift to a remote working environment.

The ongoing market volatility has caused significant increases in trading volume in spite of the market downturn overall, which has put pressure on front, middle and back office teams to keep up with the pace. Though the market is no stranger to volatility—it has witnessed numerous ups and downs since the global financial crisis of 2008—recent circumstances are entirely unique and on a global stage."

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