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Building an intranet business case: getting your project on the radar

This complete guide helps you build your case for a new intranet project, even if now doesn't feel like the right time

  • EditeurInteract
  • Version PDF - 35 pages - Anglais
Building an intranet business case: getting your project on the radar

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"What is the business case for an intranet?

The chances are, if you’re considering how to present a business case for an intranet in your own organization, you already know some of the benefits it will offer.

However, while the value and gains may be clear to someone with an understanding of what an intranet can bring to your business, those charged with making the final decision may not always have the same level of appreciation.

What’s more, today’s intranet solutions are highly developed digital workplace tools: capable of supporting a wide range of different objectives
or business challenges. Even if we’re clear in what we’re setting out to achieve when initiating an intranet project, sometimes, the greatest gains or returns are those we didn’t even anticipate.

Customer use cases and award stories consistently show us that it also comes down to application: how one organization uses a particular feature, piece of functionality, or approach to meet their unique needs can hugely differ to the next. Challenges, changes in circumstance, or a crisis situation

can also give rise to innovation and ingenuity in how an organization approaches its intranet project. All can produce compelling results and returns on the original investment.

When the global pandemic emerged in March 2020, for example, many organizations had to completely overhaul working models and accelerate digital transformation plans by several years. With huge swathes of the global workforce compelled to work from home, they faced unprecedented challenges when it came to reaching, engaging, and motivating their teams.

Despite a concurrent slowdown in the global economy, which caused widespread anxiety in many sectors, intranet projects continued. In

fact, our experience was that many were even brought forward because the situation created a deeper understanding of the role of digital workplace solutions. It became even clearer that when they are properly planned, launched, integrated, and adopted, modern intranets are not just a profitable business tool, but they help companies to connect their most valuable assets, their people."

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