14 922 Livres Blancs | 2 496 |

How to implement mobile learning in global organizations

CE livre vous donne des conseils pour mettre en place une solution d'e-learning dans votre entreprise.

  • EditeurgoFLUENT
  • Version PDF - 9 pages - 2012 - Anglais

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"The rapid development of technology has propelled us into a new mobile era. Today an astounding 87 percent of the world’s population has a mobile subscription! Mobility has rapidly changed our way of communicating: the reliance on mobile devices of all shapes and sizes has now surpassed the use of familiar stationary technologies such as radio, television and PCs. Today we expect information to be available instantaneously, at any time and everywhere, and we turn to mobile devices to provide for this increasingly unavoidable demand.

IDC estimates that more than 35 percent of the global workforce will be considered mobile workers by 2013 — some 1.3 billion. In addition, the market for mobile devices is growing exponentially.

Numerous studies demonstrate the rapid mobile device adoption. In a survey conducted on 10,000 consumers in 10 countries on 4 continents, Smartphone owners increased from 28% to 53% over the last 12 months (Accenture). In 2011 PC sales have dropped 1 percent internationally, while tablets grew 213 percent (BusinessNewsDaily).

Notably 41% of tablets purchased for personal use are being used professionally in a number of sectors: education, government, health, insurance and business, and are used mainly for the purposes of web browsing (73%), mail (69%), distance work (67%), business support (46%) and client presentations (45%) (Tablets at Work study, North America).

Combine those statistics with the fact that the growing millennial workforce prefers mobile phones over any other personal technology and the opportunities to deliver learning are limitless. No longer is it a question of “if” an organization should deploy mobile learning but “when” and “how” does an organization deliver mobile learning."

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