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Strategies for Driving Adoption and Usage with BI and Analytics

This report is based on a global survey of 214 data & analytics leaders conducted by BARC and Eckerson Group. In the final section of the report, the authors use the survey as a springboard to generalize about the drivers and challenges of successful data & analytics programs using their combined 60+ years of experience in the field.

  • EditeurToucan Toco
  • Version PDF - 28 pages - 2022 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "Strategies for Driving Adoption and Usage with BI and Analytics" - Toucan Toco

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"Report : This report is based on a global survey of 214 data & analytics leaders conducted by BARC and Eckerson Group. In the final section of the report, the authors use the survey as a springboard to generalize about the drivers and challenges of successful data & analytics programs using their combined 60+ years of experience in the field.

Demographics : The survey was conducted in November and December of 2021 and drew respondents from organizations around the globe of all sizes and in many different industries. More than a third (36%) have more than 5,000 employees, 29% have between 500 and 4,999 employees, and 36% have less than 500 employees. More than two-thirds of respondents (70%) are from Europe, while 19% are from North America and the rest from South America, Asia and Pacific, and Africa.

More than half of respondents (51%) are executives, VP/directors, or managers. The following is a list of the percentage of respondents by role in descending order: manager of BI, Analytics, ML/AI, or Data Management (30%); VP/Director of BI, analytics, ML/AI, or data management (13%); architect of BI, analytics, ML/AI, or data management (13%); consultant or vendor on behalf of a current client (13%); analyst of BI, analytics, or ML/AI (12%); executive (CXO) (8%); engineer of data, analytics, ML/AI (8%); and other (5%)."

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