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2015 DDoS Attack Trends and 2016 Outlook

Les tendances des attaques DDoS en 2015, et les perspectives en 2016.

  • EditeurCDNetworks
  • Version PDF - 15 pages - 2016 - Anglais
2015 DDoS Attack Trends and 2016 Outlook

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"The number of DDoS attacks increased more than 200% compared to last year and the amount of DDoS attack traffic rose as well. The use of DNS (Domain Name System) and NTP (Network Time Protocol) Amplification mostly used between 2013 and 2014 was decreased but the frequency of SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) Amplification multiplied.

Moreover, DDoS attacks turning servers into becoming “zombies” and DDoS attacks targeting vulnerabilities in Linux servers, increased in number.

In 2014, DDoS attacks mainly targeted gaming companies but in 2015, the scope widened to threaten public institutions and financial companies as well.

In particular, a European hacking group, DD4BC (DDoS for Bitcoin), attacked websites and services of local banks and large brokerages between June and July and there were a number of hacktivist attacks targeting government websites in different countries."

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