14 545 Livres Blancs | 2 440 |

Maîtriser les frais d'hébergement de votre site Web volumineux

Améliorez les performances, l'évolutivité et la disponibilité, tout en réduisant les risques et les coûts commerciaux avec la plate-forme de publication sociale Drupal Open Source et les services d'hébergement Acquia.

  • EditeurAcquia
  • Version PDF - 12 pages - 2018 - Anglais
Maîtriser les frais d'hébergement de votre site Web volumineux

Introduction ou extrait du livre blanc

"You’ve built a fantastic Drupal website. Traffic growth charts are encouraging. Conversion rates are above industry averages. Lead numbers and revenue from the web site are growing faster than forecast.

And yet the pressure remains high to reduce costs and improve the profitability of operations wherever possible in your company. Though you have met or exceeded your commitments to the business, the CEO and the Board of Directors still want more.

Perhaps your budget cycle is about to start up, or your hosting contract is up for renewal. You need to ensure you have a grip on the total cost of hosting your website, and to recommend alternative approaches which will cut those costs while improving service levels (performance, scalability and availability).

You know that success on the web doesn’t come without cost. But there are significant opportunities to dramatically reduce those costs. You can deliver dynamic, highly interactive “social” websites, and handle volumes of millions of page views per month and up. And you can do so with high performance, 100% availability, at a fraction of the cost most companies are paying today.

There are significant infrastructure costs associated with hosting a high volume website. Whether those costs are carried internally through hardware and staff in your datacenter, or through outsourced managed hosting solutions – the numbers add up quickly. And these options present two fundamental questions: 1) is it truly core to your strategy to be in the website hosting business? And 2) do third-party hosting services have the expertise necessary to deploy, manage and tune your specific site applications?"

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