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Selecting a DAM

Bien choisir un outil de gestion de ressources numériques.

  • EditeurAcquia
  • Version PDF - 15 pages - 2017 - Anglais
Selecting a DAM

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"Consider the challenges of wrangling felines: They don’t do what they’re told; they hide when you look for them; and they let you know they’re tired of you petting them by sinking their claws into your hands.

Digital assets don’t do what they’re told either. Universal updates of assets are often anything but universal; you end up putting what you want into one asset and the rest just sit there. Assets can also be pretty hard to find, hiding on local systems, shared network drives, email, IM, and cloud storage solutions all across the enterprise. And, just when you think you’ve got your assets tamed, their high costs of reproduction and the inefficiencies of managing the assets sink their claws into your budget yet again.

However, while the best technology for herding cats involves tuna fish, a can opener, and hope, the best technology for managing digital assets can actually solve your problems. The right digital asset management (DAM) system will keep track of all your assets, creating efficiencies that cut your overall costs and potentially boost topline by getting campaigns launched faster. "

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