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Health & AI : Now and Next – 2022 Edition

Capgemini Invent and AI for Health® launch the third edition of Health & AI: now and next. Its ambition is to provide a scale view of how data and AI are used today in the health sector.

  • EditeurCapgemini
  • Version PDF - 108 pages - 2022 - Français
Livre blanc - "Health & AI : Now and Next – 2022 Edition" - Capgemini

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"First, we notice a continuity of the trends observed back in 2021.

Data and AI are still considered as key by organizations, although employee acculturation is lagging behind. While dedicated units to address the matter are being deployed, they are still too far away from decision to drive the necessary impact. Offering the best patient care in terms of outcome and journey remains the top priority especially for Hospitals. Resource-wise, data scientists and data engineers are still the most requested profiles on the marketplace.

On maturity, the overall perception of the panel remains a feeling of a medium maturity level. Data availability - data not always complete nor made accessible - and data quality - data not perceived reliable enough - still prevail as the key barriers for use cases industrialization.

Organizations are still on their way towards more robust data foundations. Data transformation and most importantly data interoperability (in and out) especially when working in ecosystem, show great room for improvement. Data visualization and machine / deep learning are still the most commonly used processing techniques. Quantum technology, although booming in terms of hype especially for drug discovery, is still in its infancy.

When it comes to ethics and privacy, privacy can now be considered as an area where stakeholders master the regulatory space and systematically address it."

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