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Value-Based Healthcare : How can it improve the quality of care and costs in oncology ?

This white paper will discuss different important cost factors that impact quality of cancer care but also put pressure on the healthcare system. How the concepts of value-based healthcare and some connected reimbursement models can help confine costs while keeping quality of care and quality of patients’ life high. The challenges in value-based care that remain to be solved and give an outlook into future developments of these models.

  • EditeurAlcimed
  • Version PDF - 30 pages - 2022 - Anglais
Livre blanc - "Value-Based Healthcare : How can it improve the quality of care and costs in oncology ?" - Alcimed

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In recent years the healthcare sector has been faced with several challenges that impact the overall system and quality of care. First of all, demographic factors such as a growing and aging populations imply that care demand increases, gets more complex and puts pressure on the healthcare system. This is especially true in light of the growing prevalence of chronic conditions such as diabetes or cancer. These produce high and long-term costs on the one hand and require high-quality care on the other. There is a continuously growing demand for care in general and the number of novel and innovative treatments, technologies, drugs and digital tools available is increasing. It is expensive to integrate these new technologies and treatments. Furthermore, it is often difficult to integrate them into existing structures and it bears the risk of inequalities in care if some structures provide the newest technologies, while others don’t."

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