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The 2020 Higher Ed Email Benchmarks Report

L'édition 2020 du rapport d'Emma sur l'email marketing dans le milieu universitaire.

  • EditeurEmma
  • Version PDF - 16 pages - 2020 - Anglais
The 2020 Higher Ed Email Benchmarks Report

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"When it comes to email marketing, universities and colleges have always been in a league of their own.

And that’s exactly why we love working with them.

Beginning with the students and going all the way through departments, organizations, faculty, alumni, and more, no two universities or colleges are the same, which means that their email programs aren’t, either. But at the heart of each one is the same goal: The need to communicate with the people who matter most.

To create this report, we looked at hundreds of millions of emails sent from CM Group brands in order to bring you the most complete picture of what universities have been experiencing this year. This research covers a wide variety of university departments and organizations from across the globe to give a big-picture overview of the higher education industry email programs in 2020."

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