14 553 Livres Blancs | 2 441 |

Turning new hires into engaged intranet users

A modern intranet with the right features can function as a centralized digital home for comms, collaboration, and digital tools and resources.

  • EditeurInteract
  • Version PDF - 18 pages - 2024 - Anglais
Livre blanc - Turning new hires into engaged intranet users - Interact

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"A modern intranet with the right features can function as a centralized digital home for comms, collaboration, and digital tools and resources. But these benefits are only accessible if your intranet receives good user adoption. While a launch campaign with plenty of fanfare is a great way to get your organization using your shiny new intranet, each new hire who comes along after will have missed out on the excitement.

The following 14 steps will help you ensure your intranet is a thriving hub that hooks in new hires and seasoned employees alike, fostering a culture of connection and knowledge sharing.

So how do you ensure intranet adoption among new hires, and ensure they remain engaged?"

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