14 146 Livres Blancs | 2 326 |

The smart marketer's guide to Net Promoter Score

Before you can successfully create an optimization plan for your online business it is crucial to understand that customers are human beings, not simply users.

  • EditeurOmniconvert
  • Version PDF - 21 pages - 2017 - Anglais
Livre blanc - The smart marketer's guide to Net Promoter Score  - Omniconvert

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"Before you can successfully create an optimization plan for your online business it is crucial to understand that customers are human beings, not simply users.

They experience a collection of emotions that influence their purchasing behavior, including everything from frustration and distrust to satisfaction, happiness and excitement. Depending on their own experience with your services, people will recommend you to their friends or, in the worst case scenario, give you a bad review that will influence other’s future choices.

This is why, it is essential to check your customer’s opinion from time to time.

It will help you keep the business updated to their needs and offer a tailored on-site journey. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about Net Promoter Score - NPS- vital key performance indicator for any online business interested in developing a fruitful relationship with their customers."

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